3 Wheel Mobility Scooters

3 wheel mobility scooter

3 Wheel Mobility Scooters Are Best:

  • For indoor use, or to navigate over smooth surfaces
  • Sharp turning radius for narrow spaces


Light = 300 lbs or Less

Medium = 301-399 lbs

Heavy = 400 lbs +

4 Wheel Mobility Scooters

4 wheel mobility scooters

4 Wheel Mobility Scooters Are Best:

  • For outdoor use, over rough terrain
  • You require a wider, sturdier and broader wheelbase for appropriate weight distribution

Light = 300 lbs or Less

Medium = 301-399 lbs

Heavy = 400 lbs +

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One Source for your Mobility Needs: Scooter, Power Wheelchairs & More

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Mobility America (863) 816-1513 | 5130 US 98 N in Lakeland